This ad is too good. Watch our Mike’s Hard Lemonade Ad Review below to find out why. Happy National Lemon Juice Day!
This paid social video ad from Mike’s Hard Lemonade is easy on the eyes and here are three reasons why.
1️⃣ Number one is product placement, which has the Mike’s Hard Lemonade in the very first frame of the video. This means 100% of the audience who’s consuming the video is going to see Mike’s Hard Lemonade.
2️⃣ Number two, they do a great job of setting up a scene: Mike’s Hard Lemonade, barbecuing in a hammock, and chilling. I can’t think of a better summer day.
3️⃣ Number three, even though the video’s only six seconds long, they still have a CTA that ties everything in together. “Nobody makes lemonade like Mike’s” and “Nobody makes summer like Mike’s.” So if you’re trying to get summer at its peak, it’s time for you to go get Mike’s Hard Lemonade.
Mike’s Hard Lemonade Ad
In conclusion, it’s a great ad!
That’s our Mike’s Hard Lemonade Ad Review. Click here for more blogs just like it. We review social media ads from your favorite brands every week. Sit tight for the next one! You can also follow us on Instagram for the latest updates.