That’s right. According to Meta, the average person consumes content within 1.7 seconds on mobile devices. The average attention span for content on Facebook could be much higher. But within this time frame, the person is able to understand what the content in front of them is. That means it’ll take roughly 2 seconds for you to make a lasting impact on your audience with your ads. Is that possible? Well, 2 seconds can definitely be enough if done right. Today, we’re going to show you how you can achieve just that.
Source: Meta
3 Things To Do To Capture Audience Attention In 2 Seconds:
? Lead with your benefit.
Always begin your video by telling your audience how they can benefit from your brand. For example, if you run a furniture shop and you know what sets you apart is using 100% recycled materials on your products (which makes your brand eco-friendly and more affordable), then you need to lead with that fact. By starting your video with the most beneficial part of your business, you can bring people in to your brand more efficiently.
⏰ Keep your video under 15 seconds.
In fact, if you can keep it under 10 that’s even better. 15 seconds is the optimal video length for Paid Social Ads but the shorter it is, the better it will be for most of your audience. People literally have 2-second attention spans on social media now, specifically on mobile. So grabbing their attention will be easier if your ads practice the same on-the-go mindset.
⚗️ Test out different creatives.
Run the same concept with different background colors, different copies, and different iterations of the video itself. That way, you can test them out and discover which video ad performs the best. Paid Social is all about testing so this part is important. You can’t just stick with one creative and expect great results immediately. Testing is part of the process and it has been proven to work. By doing so, you can see which creative your audience likes the most.
And that’s how you can capture your audience’s attention in just 2 seconds! Lead with the benefit, keep your ad short and sweet, and always be testing. Practice these 3 steps and you’ll be able to scale your Paid Social in no time.
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